How to Make Homemade Hairspray

How to Make Homemade Hairspray

Artur Chalyj via Flickr

Artur Chalyj via Flickr

Luckily, like most beauty products, there is a simple, natural and easy to make alternative that is also less expensive and healthier for hair. More and more people are starting to make their own natural beauty products at home, not only does this save them money it also reduces the amount of chemicals they put on their body! Hairspray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to chemicals in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, plastics, VOCs and more.

This great recipe for a homemade hairspray is a perfect example of how making your own products can actually save you pounds as it only costs pennies to make – I also don’t use hairspray very often, so if you use it every day it obviously won’t last as long. Still, you can’t beat that price. To find out the full list of ingredients, head over to via the link below…

How to Make Homemade Hairspray