10 Best Home Remedies for Heartburn

10 Best Home Remedies for Heartburn

I would venture to say that there isn’t a single person reading this that hasn’t at one time or another experienced the pain of heartburn. I used to get it really bad when I was pregnant. But the WORST culprit for me is eating SPICY foods. Symptoms can include hoarseness, burning, irritation, coughing, wheezing, and nausea too. Acid reflux sometimes also causes heartburn which is the sensation of tightness, pain or discomfort right in the middle of the chest.

It’s actually possible to have reflux without heartburn, but it is not possible to have heartburn without reflux. While over-the-counter and prescription medications are available, if you suffer only from occasional heartburn, lifestyle changes and heartburn home remedies may be the route you want to take. For more details on 10 home remedies for heartburn, click here:

10 Best Home Remedies for Heartburn