10 Colorful Garden Crafts to Make from Old Tires
Unfortunately, more than 290 million tires are dumped or tossed into landfills each year in North America alone. If only more people completed brilliant recycling projects like these! Whether you have one or one hundred tires, there is always something that you can make with them that will not only repurpose them but give your garden a great face-lift. You can turn those old useless tires into everything from flower pots to something for the kids.
Rubber is very durable and soft because of its elasticity and it is very easy to work with in terms of crafts and DIY projects. The next time you have your tires changed, ask to keep the old tires and then take a look at these 10 colorful garden crafts and turn those old tires into something new and exciting! Click the link below to get some inspiration….