10 Foods You Can Grow To Make Alcohol

10 Foods You Can Grow To Make Alcohol

Eupator via Wikimedia

Eupator via Wikimedia

Ask people to name the plants that get turned into alcohol, and they’ll give you a pretty short list: grapes, barley, sugarcane. But in fact, any plant that produces enough sugar will eventually get crushed, juiced, and fermented. However, be advised it is illegal to distill alcohol without having either a “distilled spirits permit” or a “federal fuel alcohol permit.” It does not matter if the alcohol is for personal use only, not for sale, etc.  Under no circumstances should you ever distil or sell alcohol without a permit.

It is only legal in New Zealand. Some European countries turn a blind eye to it, but elsewhere it is illegal, with punishment ranging from fines to imprisonment or floggings. So if you are going to distil, just be aware of the potential legal ramifications. As a non-drinker however, I do find this article interesting – I never knew you culd make alcohol with most of these things! Interesting read! Check the link below:

10 Foods You Can Grow To Make Alcohol