10 Reasons to Own A Himalayan Salt Block & How To Use It

10 Reasons to Own A Himalayan Salt Block & How To Use It

Image: naturallivingideas.com

Image: naturallivingideas.com

Himalayan pink salt blocks, plates, and bricks are harvested from deep within the ancient Himalayan mountain range of Pakistan. There, they have remained protected from pollution and impurities for centuries, making this what many consider the purest, cleanest salt in the world. The salt is mined as large, meteor-like boulders and later sliced into slabs, blocks, bricks and plates as well as sculpted into bowls.

There are dozens of ways to use Himalayan salt blocks, as plates, platters, skillets, curing bricks, freezing slabs, and more. Cooking, however, is an important one to get under your belt as soon as possible. Himalayan Pink Salt has become somewhat of a sensation as of late; and for good reason! This mineral is packed with other good minerals, giving it its pinkish hue that sets it apart from other salts. You have probably seen Himalayan Salt Lamps or at least heard about them, but the newest salt craze is cooking on a block of this gorgeous mineral. Head over to Natural Living Ideas to see what all the fuss is about!

10 Reasons to Own A Himalayan Salt Block & How To Use It