10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Avocado Several Times Each Week

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Avocado Several Times Each Week

Image credit: naturehacks.com

Image credit: naturehacks.com

Avocados are truly one of nature’s little miracle foods and you can easily enjoy them several times a week. These little green gems can do so much to help keep you well from head to toe, they’re simply too good to pass up. The characteristics of avocados usually include green skin and the shape of a pear, along with ripening right after harvesting. Technically speaking, the avocado is actually a large berry that has a big seed at its center. People have discovered that avocados don’t just taste great (in the right manner of preparation), but they also come with a decent amount of health benefits.

High cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for heart disease. The cholesterol-lowering properties of avocado, along with its folate content, help keep your heart healthy. Here are a few thoughts on why you need to get to know them better — and eat them more often – click here:

10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Avocado Several Times Each Week