10 Things We Can Learn From Old Homesteads

10 Things We Can Learn From Old Homesteads

photo credit to S.Dayle

photo credit to S.Dayle

This is a great article from Stephanie over at stephaniedayle1.blogspot.co.uk. In this article we can learn about how things were on old homesteads. Everything from water source, building materials, firewood, perennial  food plants, food storage and more. Looking at the past can sometimes make the future a lot easier and there is no better example of this than when we look at old Homesteads.

These 10 amazing lessons will make having your own homestead and going self-sufficient a lot easier whilst helping make you significantly more prepared! They say experience is the best teacher and I agree! To find out more, click the link below…

10 Things We Can Learn From Old Homesteads