10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds

Image credit: theearthymama.com

Image credit: theearthymama.com

I am more a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I know a lot of people who love their coffee! This is a great article from theearthymama.com who shares some great ideas to reuse coffee grounds, you will be amazed! You’ll never throw your away your used coffee grounds again after seeing just how many things you can do with them!

While coffee is universally recognized as an energy booster, did you know that there are many other uses for it? Instead of throwing out your used coffee grounds in the morning, save them. Use the grounds for a few of these 10 tips and tricks and you’ll get the most out of your coffee! Click the link below and head to theearthymama.com for these wonderful ideas!

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds