102 Things to Do on a Money-Free Weekend

102 Things to Do on a Money-Free Weekend

It’s pretty easy to stick to your budget during the week: you drive to work, hit the gym and cook dinner at home. But the weekends? For most of us, that’s when our spending gets out of control. How often do you find yourself wondering where the cash in your wallet went? Weekends sure are very exciting. Finally, you get to take a well-deserved break after a long week and have some rest from your busy schedule, but how about getting through it without breaking the bank?

Not all the ideas are fun and games. Some are really about improving your quality of life and your relationships. You can easily find some really incredible ways to spend time over the weekend with that special someone without spending a dime. In fact, The Simple Dollar has 102 ways to do it! Check out the link below!

102 Things to Do on a Money-Free Weekend