

11 Creative Ways To Use Old Egg Cartons

11 Creative Ways To Use Old Egg Cartons

Image: Flickr cc

Image: Flickr cc

Have you ever looked closely at an empty egg carton? It is really a marvel of engineering… how they delicately cradle the egg to prevent them breaking. And the empty container just LOOKS like it should have other uses, right? Well, leave it to the blogosphere to come up with a bunch of great ideas!

This round-up of ideas has everything from seed planters, to DIY fire starters and organizing tips so you can utilize egg cartons all round your home! So before you throw any more out, take a look through this list and you’ll be amazed at what the humble little box can do! Check out these creative ways to old egg cartons at theprairiehomestead.com here…

11 Creative Ways To Use Old Egg Cartons