12 Beds Made Much Cooler With IKEA Hacks

12 Beds Made Much Cooler

With IKEA Hacks

If you need a new bed in your own or kids’ room then instead of going for a traditional bed or bunk bed why not add more functionality and practicality through customizing a piece from already amazing IKEA? Among all the amazing creations, we really liked and fell in love with the ones shown above. 

Instead of spending a small fortune for a more polished look, you can just head to IKEA or recycle the pieces you already have. That’s right, we’re bringing you IKEA hacks: bedroom edition. Make sure your home doesn’t look like everyone else’s by using some DIY know-how and hacks like these! For all IKEA hacks, please visit housebeautiful.com via the link below…

12 Beds Made Much Cooler With IKEA Hacks