12 DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorials

12 DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorials

photo credit: weedemandreap

photo credit: weedemandreap

For the experienced gardener or the novice, raised garden beds take the hassle out of horticulture. Over at weedemandreap.com are tips on planning, building, protecting and irrigating raised bed gardens. With ideas for upcycling old tin baths to building your own beds this post has everything you need to transform your yard in style. Plus they are a great way to increase your crop, improve soil and drainage whilst also making pest control easier.

Raised garden beds are a wonderful way to create individual planters or even have a stunning feature in your garden. For the full list of amazing tutorials head over to weedemandreap.com here…

12 DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorials