12 Key Ways You Can Benefit From A Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp Today

12 Key Ways You Can Benefit From A

Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp Today

Image: naturalsolutiontoday.com

Image: naturalsolutiontoday.com

You may have seen one before and not known what you were looking at – a big chunky pink crystal lamp sitting on a table or desk. This decorative bit of lighting is actually made of HPS, which acts as a natural air purifier by pulling moisture from the surrounding environment into the salt. Heat from the bulb quickly evaporates the water back into the air, but any toxins that were previously carried in the cycled moisture are left behind, trapped by the salt ions. Because of these minerals Himalayan pink salt can:

– Create an electrolyte balance
– Increases hydration
– Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells
– Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and help to reduce acid reflux
– Prevent muscle cramping
– Aid in proper metabolism functioning
– Strengthen bones
– Lower blood pressure
– Help the intestines absorb nutrients
– Prevent goiters
– Improve circulation
– Dissolve and eliminate sediment to remove toxins

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12 Key Ways You Can Benefit From A Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp Today