14 Great Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home Naturally

14 Great Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home Naturally

photo credit to www.tipsbulletin.com

photo credit to www.tipsbulletin.com

There are many people who suffer from Arachnophobia or fear of spiders (me included!). I really don’t want to be using chemical pesticides spiders because people say they have poisonous gases that might cause health problems. Did you know there are over 40,000 species of spiders in this world?! What a scary thought! Some spiders are very dangerous and deadly and it is better to get rid of the spiders in your home than to be afraid of them! 

Spiders are insects that love to live outdoors and it is better (if you can!) to get rid of them and let them live outdoors. Spiders have more food outside than they can find in the home. So it is down to you to show the spiders the way out the door! The following are some of the easiest ways of getting the spiders out of your home naturally and safely, keep them out! Click the link below for these simple ideas…

14 Great Ways to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home Naturally