15+ FitBit Hacks

15+ FitBit Hacks

So you’ve just bought your new Fitbit, a wearable that’s been on the scene more or less since the beginning. They’ve been through a fair few models, and now there are several options from the company, tailored to different lifestyles and tastes. So if you’ve recently unwrapped a Fitbit Flex, or you’re thinking of buying one then you’ve come to the right place as we’ve found the missing manual for squeezing out extra smarts from your Fitbit fitness tracker.

Maybe you bought your Fitbit to get in shape, to help you prepare for a marathon, or maybe you just bought it to get moving more. Whatever the reason, it’s easy to let your Fitbit fall between the cracks after a few months. To avoid being like the one-third of Americans who abandon their fitness trackers within the first six months of use, we have some tips and tricks to make the most of your Fitbit. Head to lalymom.com via the link below for more information….

15+ FitBit Hacks