15 Magical Things To Make With Lavender

15 Magical Things To Make With Lavender

The scent of lavender is perhaps one of the best the world has to offer! How about making potpourri, homemade soap,
car scent, sew into stuffed animals, tucked into pillow case, tie pouch to hangers and put sachet into drawers. Here is what to expect from NaturalLivingIdeas.com:

  • Lavender For Home – Keep Moths Out Of Your Home With Lavender Oil.
  • Lavender In Food – How To Make Lavender Jam, Lavender Lemonade, Lavender Shortbread Biscuits, How To Make Lavender Extract and Lavender Honey & Tea.
  • Lavender For Health & Beauty – Lavender and Coconut Milk Bath Soak, Rosemary & Lavender Calming Spray, How To Make Lavender & Rose Deodorant, Homemade Lavender Hand Cream, Citrus Lavender Hairspray, Herbal Bath Sachets, Homemade Lavender Soap, Simple Lavender Salve and Lemon Lavender Aromatherapy Candle.

This post reveals 15 of the most magical things you can make and do with lavender. See all 15 ideas at NaturalLivingIdeas.com here…

15 Magical Things To Make With Lavender