15 Mistakes That Beginner Gardeners Make

15 Mistakes That Beginner Gardeners Make

Rene Cunningham via Flickr

Rene Cunningham via Flickr

This is really a good article. We have made so many of these mistakes. There is a lot more to gardening than just throwing some seeds or seedling in the ground and hoping for the best. Planning and understanding your climate zone is crucial to success. As a seasoned gardener, Tanya shares what she views to be the top 15 mistakes that beginner gardeners make. She discusses each mistake in detail and offers suggestions.

For example – Most new gardeners think that more water is better when usually, just the opposite is true. Take the time to learn the water needs of your plant and count to ten before turning on the hose. If you are watering anything daily — you are probably watering too much. She discusses other mistakes related to planting, sowing, pests and weeds, soil and more! It’s an excellent article for both novice and experienced gardeners, in my opinion. Click the link below to see the complete article.

15 Mistakes That Beginner Gardeners Make