15 Must-Make Handprint & Footprint Crafts

15 Must-Make Handprint & Footprint Crafts

photo credit: therealisticmama

photo credit: therealisticmama

Oh how I just love hand and footprint art!  Little kiddos have the cutest feet and hands, which just makes for fun art projects. They also make great keepsakes for parents, great for Mothers Day!!! The thing is, there are just too many fabulous ideas out there – I came across this awesome article over at therealisticmama.com and I just had to share this round-up with you!

Kids love getting involved, getting messy and creating works of art!  Some of these handprint art activities include – family footprint frame, footprint butterfly’s and a hand-printed quilt. check them all out via the link below…..

15 Must-Make Handprint & Footprint Crafts