15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know

15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know

Image credit: survivalathome.com

Image credit: survivalathome.com

There is something so empowering about learning how to do something new with your hands. Or mastering a skill that, at an earlier point in your lie, would have seemed completely foreign. If you have managed to get away from the madness of urban life and build your own homestead then the hardest part is over!

Keep in mind that learning these skills will take time, patience and perseverance, and not all of these skills are applicable to certain situations. Hopefully, though, you’ll be able to pick up some great ideas that will inspire you and get you started! This article covers everything from growing your own vegetables and tending animals to storing water and heating your home! Check out the resource in full over at survivalathome.com here… 

15 Skills Every Homesteader Should Know