15 Wonderful Things To Make With Your Bottle Of Lavender Oil

15 Wonderful Things To Make With Your Bottle Of Lavender Oil

Lyza via Flickr

Lyza via Flickr

We never run out of lavender in our house, it always serves us well and growing your own at home is one of the best ways to save a little $. There are different varieties of lavender plants, the most popular being English, French and Spanish. Research the plants before purchasing them, as they each have different qualities! Lavender can really help to soothe you. It can help with depression, headaches – especially migraines. It can help you to relax, help your muscles relax, and make you sleep better.

If you don’t use lavender oil then I bet after this article you will at least consider it. Lavender oil has many benefits when it comes to health and well being and over at  naturallivingideas.com they have come up with 15 wonderful things you can make with lavender oil. Click on the link below to get more information…….

15 Wonderful Things To Make With Your Bottle Of Lavender Oil