16 Top Tire Hacks

16 Top Tire Hacks

Image: onecrazyhouse.com

Image: onecrazyhouse.com

Old tires are normally thrown out or at the very least end up sitting around in the garage or yard collecting dust. Instead of throwing them out or letting them sit there making your yard look cluttered, how about turning them into something useful? Flowerpots, stools, tree swings, garden tables – all of these are perfect for your own DIY projects.

Rubber is very durable and soft because of its elasticity and it is very easy to work with in terms of crafts and DIY projects. The next time you have your tires changed, ask to keep the old tires and then take a look at the 40+ creative ideas to repurpose those old tires into something new and exciting! Click the link below to get some inspiration….

16 Top Tire Hacks