16 Uses For Dryer Sheets You Never Thought Of

16 Uses For Dryer Sheets You Never Thought Of

Brittany Lynne Photography via Flickr

Brittany Lynne Photography via Flickr

Did you know that you can use your dryer sheets other than in the dryer?  Did you know that you can use the dryer sheets that you’ve already used?  Well, if not, you’re about to.  Below are some amazing ideas for dryer sheets you may have never thought of. And, get this, they can save you money too!! 

I can’t ever remember having bought dryer sheets and yet there they are in my utility room and I’ve refused to use them for years and years because they seem so wasteful. That is until I saw this awesome article from diply.com! Why throw out your fabric softener sheets after they are done softening your clothes. You reuse them in various ways, such as cleaning or crafts or even put them back in the dryer. This is a guide about reusing dryer sheets, click here:

16 Uses For Dryer Sheets You Never Thought Of