17 Home Remedies To Instantly Clear Away Excess Mucus & Phlegm

17 Home Remedies To Instantly Clear Away Excess Mucus & Phlegm

Image: naturallivingideas.com

Image: naturallivingideas.com

Feeling a kind of blockage in your nasal passage or throat? Annoyed with frequent bouts of sneezing and coughing? All these conditions indicate towards phlegm. Other common symptoms that lead to this health problem are runny nose, fever and difficulty breathing. While phlegm is not dangerous at all, but if ignored for long, it can clog the bronchial tubes that can cause a secondary upper respiratory tract infection. Dealing with phlegm can be incredibly frustrating and seemingly never ending. But there are effective, natural home remedies that work quickly and without causing side effects. You can get these remedies below…

17 Home Remedies To Instantly Clear Away Excess Mucus & Phlegm