17 Items Everyone Should Have In Their Car This Winter

17 Items Everyone Should Have In Their

Car This Winter

photo credit to knowledgeweighsnothing.com

photo credit to knowledgeweighsnothing.com

What’s in your car kit? If you are like most other people, you probably spend a fair amount of time driving in your car. While it may seem like you could easily and quickly get help if you broke down or became stranded, please do not assume that this will always be the case.

With winter also fast approaching, you really do need to be prepared! knowledgeweighsnothing.com gives you the following 17 items that are essential when traversing the roadways during winter months. I also find these extra things are also handy to have in your car:

  • Jumper Cables
  • Space blanket
  • Compass
  • Toilet paper
  • Dog food (you can’t forget your dog!)
  • Kids activity set 

Check out the other 17 items you should really have in your car this winter by clicking the link below….

17 Items Everyone Should Have In Their Car This Winter