17 Symptoms Of Mold Illness You Need To Watch Out For (And How To Treat It)

17 Symptoms Of Mold Illness You Need To Watch Out For

(And How To Treat It)

Image: Petr Kratochvil via publicdomainpictures.net

Image: Petr Kratochvil via publicdomainpictures.net

The most common places for indoor mold to take hold are bathrooms and kitchens, behind or under appliances, around windows, in basements, or in any other damp area. Mold can have potentially damaging effects on our health.

It can cause minor issues such as itching eyes, sneezing and coughing, or more serious issues such as allergic reactions, asthma attacks or permanent lung damage. If mold appears in your home, you need to deal with it fast! 

No treatment will prevent or remove mold or mildew permanently unless you remove the critical ingredient: moisture. Determine the source of moisture. Repair the leak, and/or dehumidify the area straight away. Wipe up spills and make sure water doesn’t escape from shower curtains etc. Vigilance will pay off! For warning signs of mold illness, check out the link below….

17 Symptoms Of Mold Illness You Need To Watch Out For (And How To Treat It)