18 DIY Toys For Goats To Keep Them Busy

18 DIY Toys For Goats To Keep Them Busy

Image: homestead-and-survival.com

Image: homestead-and-survival.com

Have you ever been to a pet store and picked up toys for your goat? I think not! So, why not make your own from recycled materials?! 

Ideas can include:

  • rock piles
  • little tykes cubes
  • slides
  • very large electric wire spools
  • ….pretty much anything they can climb on or through!

If you have some naughty goats or goats that are so active, then something you may want to do is make some DIY toys for goats to keep them busy. If you have goats, you can create a simple toy for the out of recycled materials and they are going to love it and play all day long. Below is a list of clever DIY toy ideas for goats, all of them can be easily done at home without a lot of effort.

18 DIY Toys For Goats To Keep Them Busy