18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

Smoobs via Flickr

Smoobs via Flickr

Before there was modern-day medicine and its pharmacopeia of synthetic drugs, there were plants, and ancient civilizations knew how to use them strategically to treat common ailments and even life-threatening diseases. Still today majority of people are rely on such traditional remedies. Many of elements used for the production of modern medicines are also derived from the herbs in the surroundings. These top medicinal plants can help with: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, insect repellent, antibacterial, detoxification, fever reduction, antihistamine and pain relief.

Unfortunately, the reverence for the use of medicinal plants in everyday life has largely been lost in the US. But if you are interested in using natural remedies to support your health, you should know that there are many right at your fingertips. From Cannabis to Mint, there are hundreds of common herbs, flowers, berries and plants that serve all kinds of medical and health purposes. Check out this article from webecoist.momtastic.com here:

18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants