20 Diuretic Foods to Lower Blood Pressure and Lose Weight

20 Diuretic Foods to Lower Blood Pressure and Lose Weight

Water retention is something that millions of people experience and it is a common issue for those who are overweight and people who have high blood pressure. Because of this, you have to flush out the extra water so that you are able to prevent the bloating and other problems that come with it. 

If you suffer from water retention or high blood pressure eating diuretic foods can be beneficial. These foods can help get rid of excess fluid in the body which can also be good for weight loss as well. One option is to take water pills in order to get your body to release extra water and salt, but before going that route it may be a better idea to make a few dietary changes and see if that helps. Listed in the link below are some of the most effective natural diuretic foods that can assist in lowering high blood pressure and in reducing excess water weight.

20 Diuretic Foods to Lower Blood Pressure and Lose Weight