20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose

20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose

Dasha Bondareva via Flickr

Dasha Bondareva via Flickr

The annoying thing about pantyhose? They snag and tear very easily. The amazing thing about pantyhose? They have about a gazillion practical uses even if you can no longer wear them! Did you know pantyhose could be re-purposed for so many practical things? Nope, me neither!

From straining your paint so you don’t have to worry about lumps when you repaint your bathroom, to protecting your melons from repellent and bugs! To give you more ideas, here is a list that will show you the different extraordinary uses for pantyhose. I’m sure you’ll find things here that can help you. To see the list, click the link below:

20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose