20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens

20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens

20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens

Your chickens work hard to provide you a source of eggs and maybe even some meat for food. One way to show your appreciation is make your own homemade healthy treats for chickens. If you have chickens you will know how much they LOVE treats, dried sunflower heads as treats but I think I want to give them a wider pallet. One important point to make here is that you shouldn’t give your chickens too many treats as this can actually cause your chickens to stop laying eggs. Just make sure that their treats are part of a consistent and varied diet and your chickens will be fine.

I decided to look for other homemade yet healthy treats. I came across an article with homemade and healthy treats for chickens. Some I didn’t even think chickens would eat. Check them out and let me know if you have any other treats that are not on their.

20 Homemade Healthy Treats for Chickens