20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items

20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items

Image: huisjekijken.com

Image: huisjekijken.com

Every year, when spring cleaning comes around, many of us gather up our old used stuff and simply throw it out. Sometimes, trash is simply trash, but we often fail to realize that a lot of the things that we throw out can be transformed into something else that’s useful and that we probably would have wound up buying later anyway.

Recycled materials are a hot commodity for designers as many of them try their hand at creating environmentally-friendly designs. If you’re looking for a little inspiration or a new DIY project, here are 30 creative ways to repurpose old things into lamps.

20 Ingenious Ideas To Make Recycled Lamps From Old Items