20 Natural Painkillers in your Kitchen

20 Natural Painkillers in your Kitchen

Image: antranik.org

Image: antranik.org

Just the other day I was newly amazed by the miracles of nature when I discovered a list of natural painkillers and cures consisting of everyday kitchen ingredients. Once again, the miracles of nature have astounded me and made me wonder if the modern world will tamper with everything before going full circle and realizing that “natural is best” after all!

Taking medication can be worrisome, what’s in it? what are the side effects? Natural remedies are getting more popular by the day. I would always recommend seeing your medical practitioner before trying any of these to make sure you can and are safe. Just remember if SHTF, doctor’s will be no where to be seen and it will be down to you. Print off what you think is useful and keep it in a binder. Check out this neat article via the link below for more information on the natural approach….

20 Natural Painkillers in your Kitchen