20+ Toys & Crafts You Can Make from Recyclables

20+ Toys & Crafts You Can Make from Recyclables

photo credit to www.apartmenttherapy.com

photo credit to www.apartmenttherapy.com

It is very important that everyone recycles when ever possible but there is another option that you can do with your recyclables and that is to up-cycle when ever you can! Are your kids board of playing the same old toys and games? Why not save some money and entertain your kids with some recycling!

Give them a pair of scissors, tape and cardboard so they can entertain themselves while you sit back and have that well deserved coffee… or get some cleaning done (Usually what I head for first!). Plus you are teaching the younger generation how to recycle and literally save the earth at the same time! Children need to learn from a young age and be taught by adults. And of course have some FUN!!! Which is what  life is all about, and treasure those special moments…Click the link below to begin…

20+ Toys & Crafts You Can Make from Recyclables