23 Simple And Essential Hiking Hacks

23 Simple And Essential Hiking Hacks

Image: buzzfeed.com

Image: buzzfeed.com

We have featured quite a few posts about hacks for various subjects, but I keep getting messages asking about the use of the term ‘hack’ and what it means. Effectively it means tips and tricks and ways of doing things that you probably hadn’t consider previously. It can also mean using day-to-day items for uses other than that they were intended.

I’ve never been hiking but if I were to start tomorrow, I would try and read this article. Hiking is nothing like camping, as a matter of fact, it might be a hell of a lot harder. Especially if you’re one of those crazy people who hikes mountain ranges. Check out these details by hopping over to buzzfeed.com via the link below…

23 Simple And Essential Hiking Hacks