25 Ideas for the Kindness Elves

25 Ideas for the Kindness Elves

photo credit to theimaginationtree

photo credit to theimaginationtree

Are you an Elf on the Shelf kind of family? I think the little guy is hilarious and adorable. I wanted to take a look at a different approach for this Christmas character. Let me introduce you to the Elf on the Shelf that made the nice list. This little guy does acts of kindness during the Christmas advent. He also encourages the kids to do nice things for others. If you know of a family that maybe needs a Christmas tree or is just having a rough year, why not bake them a cake or make dinner for them and deliver it one night? The possibilities with these kind of projects are endless. BUT above all, have FUN! Here are a few examples, then head over to theimaginationtree.com to see how it’s all done by clicking the link below…..

  • Volunteer or donate to a local food bank.
  • Donate books to a local school in need.
  • Knit (or buy) a warm scarf for a homeless person.
  • Pack up mini-feast (who doesn’t have a ton of food left over?) and drop it off to homeless people on Christmas Day.
  • Put together a tin of cookies for mail man and UPS driver, etc.
  • Deliver home made treats to local fire and police departments and thank them for their service.
  • Deliver poinsettias to a nursing home.

25 Ideas for the Kindness Elves