25 of the BEST Valentine’s Day Treat & Dessert Ideas

25 of the BEST Valentine’s Day

Treat & Dessert Ideas

Image: kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com

Image: kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com

You probably already know your man’s favourite meal (if in doubt, we always go with steak!) but what about dessert?

Here are some of the treats you will see:

  • Strawberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Valentine Bear Hug Heart Cookies
  • Valentine Conversation Cheesecake Hearts
  • Valentine Heart Cinnamon Rolls

Dessert is a dish you can really show off with and it needn’t mean precious time wasted in the kitchen on the night. Please head to kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com via the link below for these cute valentine’s treat and desert ideas! ENJOY!

25 of the BEST Valentine’s Day Treat & Dessert Ideas