25 Pressed Flower Art & Craft Projects

25 Pressed Flower Art & Craft Projects

Image: empressofdirt.net

” The process of pressing flowers or leaves means you are removing much of their moisture, drying them out as they are flattened in a press. Pressed flowers can be brittle and require a careful hand. If you are not used to working with fine materials, you may want to handle them with tweezers to avoid breakage. Once you start drying your own plants, you’ll quickly see which ones retain their colours and work best. ”

So what are we supposed to do? Press them? Then what? What do we do with a bunch of pressed flowers? Not only will you learn how to press flowers within the tutorials below, but you can then take those flattened blooms and create amazing things with them, just as the following bloggers have done! Do press some leaves and grasses too – they make a nice compliment for any final pressed flower arrangement. Check out these ideas below – happy crafting!

25 Pressed Flower Art & Craft Projects