250+ Mod Podge Craft Tutorials!

250+ Mod Podge Craft Tutorials!

photo credot to modpodgerocksblog.com

photo credot to modpodgerocksblog.com

What is it, I hear you ask….? Mod Podge glues things down, but it is also a sealer and a finish. It has “special” ingredients that school/craft glue doesn’t have. It’s much stronger especially over the long haul. I personally love Mod Podge. With a lot of my crafts I use this genius product. If you are like me then you have a large bottle of Mod Podge sitting on your craft shelf.

Here are 250+ DIY Mod Podge Tutorials that you are going to love. Have a look through this list today and grab that jar off your shelf….

250+ Mod Podge Craft Tutorials!