30 Genius Mom Tricks

30 Genius Mom Tricks

photo credit: kidsactivitiesblog

photo credit: kidsactivitiesblog

Life happens, especially with kids, and sometimes there are just little things that can make a big difference in your everyday life and make it a lot easier, especially if you have to react quickly sometimes. We’ve compiled some mom-approved tips and tricks that might help you as well in everyday life situations! If there’s anyone who needs a good life hack – it’s a mom! 

Life hacks are simple ideas that make life easier.  Here are a few that caught my eye: Doritos are great for kindling fire; toothpaste cleans dirty headlights, and dental floss cuts cake perfectly! I didn’t know that either! Check out this great round-up of 30 genius mom tricks and get ahead of all the other parents – simple! Click here:

30 Genius Mom Tricks