30 Ways To Display Children’s Art

30 Ways To Display Children’s Art

photo credit mondocherry

photo credit mondocherry

I am not sure where or who created the idea of displaying art on the front of the fridge, but there is simply NOT enough space to display all of my children’s treasures (plus a few important reminders of my own) on the front of a fridge! I found a great article and in this article hellobee.com shares lots of ways to display kids artwork! Just what I needed! 

Fresh flowers and verdant plants give a home life, but so does children’s art with all of its beautiful, perfect imperfections. We all know how much artwork kids bring home from school, camp, and friends’ homes; not to mention the artwork that they make at home! So help your home reflect its owners, even the little ones. Here are 30 ways to display children’s art, click the link below.

30 Ways To Display Children’s Art