37 Ways to Give Your Kitchen a Deep Clean

37 Ways to Give Your Kitchen a Deep Clean

Steven Depolo via Flickr

Steven Depolo via Flickr

There are so many nooks and crannies and appliances in your kitchen, sometimes the best you can do is wipe down the countertops. But when you’re ready to give that kitchen a serious cleaning, Emily over at buzzfeed.com has posted about 37 things you can do that will make it count.

Kool-Aid, baking soda, lemons and even cream of tartar can transform the most tedious of chores into the quickest of tasks. Most people give their kitchens a good “once over” cleaning virtually every single day. But every once in a while you know that your kitchen needs a good deep clean. Thanks to buzzfeed.com for these cleaning hacks. Click the link below and get cleaning….

37 Ways to Give Your Kitchen a Deep Clean