38 Creative Ways to Repurpose Vintage Ladders

38 Creative Ways to Repurpose Vintage Ladders

photo credit: woohome

photo credit: woohome

We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it. Either it’s “still OK”, or “might come in handy” or just holds some sentimental value to it. Besides serving a purpose (again), repurposed items add this lovely touch of creativity and coziness to the space. Heck, most of the time, upcycled things become even cooler than they originally were.

You can make DIY magazine rack, DIY towel hanger for the bathroom, DIY antique shelves in the kitchen and so many versatile items. We collect for you various DIY ideas hopefully to help you to find the right one to repurpose your ladder. Ladder decor is trending right now, and we couldn’t be more excited about that. Take a look at this awesome round-up from woohome.com… 38 amazing ideas on how to repupose or reuse vintage ladders! Click the link below and head over there now…

38 Creative Ways to Repurpose Vintage Ladders