4 Healing Baths For Summer

4 Healing Baths For Summer

Image credit: hellonatural.com

Image credit: hellonatural.co

Some herbs just smell good, while others have a medicinal effect. Some herbal baths work through osmosis (some molecules are taken up through your skin) and others by inhaling the healing aromas. Choose your bath herbs according to your needs. And don’t be surprised to find that some of the herbs you’re using in your foods are also good for bath time!

Whenever possible, make bath-time a real performance in a warm bathroom filled with delicious fragrance, soft music and gentle light. Before you even touch a tap, make sure you’ve gathered together everything you’ll need for your soak. If you struggle with toxins or skin issues these natural recipes are a simple, easy and inexpensive way to boost health! I’m always up for a warm bath, and these natural add-ons help improve health while you relax! From a bug-bite bath to achy muscle bath – There will be one here you will want to try, if not all of them at some point! Click the link below and check out hellonatural.co here:

4 Healing Baths For Summer