4 Safety Rules ALL 4 Year Olds Should Know

4 Safety Rules ALL 4 Year Olds Should Know

photo credit: beautythroughimperfection

photo credit: beautythroughimperfection

As parents, this is the time when we want to let our kids explore, learn and have fun. Bumps, bruises, scrapes and scratches are part of the deal. But the one thing we don’t want is for small accidents to turn into more serious ones! Often, injuries happen because parents are not aware of what their children can do. Children learn fast, and before you know it your child will be jumping, running, riding a tricycle, and using tools. Your child is at special risk for injuries from falls, drowning, poisons, burns, and car crashes. Your child doesn’t understand dangers or remember “no” while playing and exploring.

This is a great article from beautythroughimperfection.com. I’m glad that this article included body autonomy… it’s something we have to reinforced with children these days. To teach children to politely say no to unwanted touch (hugs, tickles etc) and then to speak up if they aren’t being heard! Check out the 4 safety rules ALL 4 year olds should know here, via this link below:

4 Safety Rules ALL 4 Year Olds Should Know