40 Amazing Uses For WD-40

40 Amazing Uses For WD-40

Mike Mozart via Flickr

Mike Mozart via Flickr

WD-40 performs five basic functions: It cleans, displaces moisture, penetrates, lubricates, and protects. These functions can be expanded for use on a variety of items in and around your home. Squirrels pinching your nuts? A squirt of WD-40 on your bird table stand will help stop them stealing food left out for feathered friends. Did you know WD-40 can be used to remove chewing gum from shoes and carpet? Caught with a stuck-fast zip? A squirt of WD-40 will help get you out of jam! Buzzfeed.com has 40 amazing uses for WD-40 and if you haven’t checked them out already, it’s time! Check the link below and get all 40 uses!

*** WARNING: Just keep in mind that WD-40 is flammable and should not be used in closed spaces. Any cleaning job attempted with WD-40 should always be done with adult supervision ***

40 Amazing Uses For WD-40