40+ DIY Car Games for Kids

40+ DIY Car Games for Kids

Image credit: onelittleproject.com

Image credit: onelittleproject.com

I dread going on long trips with my toddler in tow. We have driven across the country a few times this year already and have learned a few things about traveling with children! I found a great article with a list of 40+ DIY car games, these are simple and easy-to-make car games for your kids! The best fact about these games is that these can be prepared from simple everyday household stuffs like candy tins and felt. All you will need to do is just invest some free time for the preparation of these games and your winning!! 

We all know that long car trips with kids could be very exhausting for both the parents and kids so if your planning a family road trip it’s a great idea to be prepared with activities and games that will keep your kids entertained.  The One Little Project website shares 40+ DIY car games that will definitely have your kids entertained and a nice relaxing stress free car ride. WHOOP! Click here:

40+ DIY Car Games for Kids