40 DIY Tricks To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible

40 DIY Tricks To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible

photo credit to diyncrafts.com

photo credit to diyncrafts.com

As groceries continue to get more expensive, especially for fresh and healthy foods! When you buy your groceries, you want to do everything possible to make them last and you never want to waste anything. There are a lot of things you can do right now to ensure that your groceries last as long as possible so that you can save money and never have to feel guilty about wasting the food that you buy. Each year almost 40% of  food goes uneaten, which works out between $1,350 to $2,275 we’re wasting every year. I would say I am guilty of this too. I HATE wasting food though!

I found this awesome article over at diyncrafts.com that discusses many different ways you can stretch your groceries to last that bit longer. With these amazing tips you’ll be able to extend the shelf life of your food without the need for nasty chemical preservatives. Not only will you be making a significant saving but you’ll also be making a difference to the environment! For the full list of ingenious ideas head over to diyncrafts.com here by clicking the link below…..

40 DIY Tricks To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible