40 Naturally Good Handmade Gifts {$20 or Less}

40 Naturally Good Handmade Gifts

{$20 or Less}

Image: empressofdirt.net

Image: empressofdirt.net

Ok, so here is the deal… You want to give out gifts this year, but don’t have room in the budget? What is the best solution? How about giving an all-natural homemade gift – based on what you already have on hand – that costs $20 or less! Go ahead and choose a project – or several – and create something really special!

Keep in mind that handmade items are not just beautiful but special… I love to give them and I love to receive them. In my opinion they are the best! Check out these naturally good handmade gifts, and the best part, they will cost $20 or less! For the full list please visit the link below:

40 Naturally Good Handmade Gifts {$20 or Less}