40+ Ways To Preserve Tomatoes

40+ Ways To Preserve Tomatoes

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It’s that time again – time to drag out the old canner and get started putting up foods for winter. Even if you have never canned a day in your life, we have some great recipes and methods for you to try. Our list of tomato canning methods gives you loads of easy ways to store those tomatoes even if you don’t have a canner or prefer not to do your own canning and preserving.

If the weather’s been cooperating with you, you might find yourself with a bumper crop of tomatoes that you can’t possibly eat before they start to rot. In this case, you’ll want to preserve your tomatoes, but there are other ways than canning to make sure your hard-won tomatoes! Find over 40 ways to preserve them at The Prairie Homestead!

40+ Ways To Preserve Tomatoes