46 Genius Pallet Building Ideas

46 Genius Pallet Building Ideas


Here we have 46 genius pallet building ideas all in one round-up over at removeandreplace com. They have gathered some AMAZING pallet ideas for recycling – From beds, to dog houses, to wooden chairs, to gardens, there are 46 ides to feast your eyes on and have a go yourself! Just remember when choosing pallets you have to make sure you look for the stamp that says HT or heat treated. The other pallets without this stamp or mark are treated chemically and if used in the garden or just in general could harm you and your animals.

And if you are wondering where to get a used wood pallet, here are some ideas: Any warehouse, local grocery store, or a printing company. Check in the Craigslist “free” section too. I have seen pallets there as well! Click the link below to get some amazing ideas for your home and garden….

46 Genius Pallet Building Ideas